

Benefits to work with us

Benefits of working with us

We are a professional, committed and creative staff team. Working with us, you will gain insight into every aspect of our work, be expected to show lots of initiative and take on responsibilities at an early stage. We also recognize the importance of taking time out from the office to reflect, share learning and experiences and strategically shape our future. Rida.t.s offers staff real personal and professional development opportunities, and a supportive environment where performance is rewarded and success celebrated.


We believe in appointing the best person for each position while ensuring that recruitment and selection is conducted in a way that is transparent, consistent and effective.

As a growing and changing organization we will continue to evolve, which may mean that posts will develop and change. We give our staff the opportunity to expand their roles while also  ensuring that we are sensitive and fair to all staff. We run a comprehensive induction programme to help new staff get up to speed and feel at home as soon as possible. We also check back to ensure that you got what you wanted and needed from this process.

Learning and development

We are committed to the continuous learning and development of all staff to enable people to develop individual skills and realise their full potential. We aim to engage all staff with a challenging and exciting learning culture and encourage openness, discussion and feedback so we can develop and continuously improve what we do.

Everyone has their own personal development plan with learning needs discussed and agreed by both the individual and the line manager. This encourages staff to take responsibility for their own learning. Development needs are identified at the recruitment and induction stages, at performance and development reviews, at the time of an employee’s role changing or being given additional responsibility and during one to ones between line managers and staff.

We also provide a personal development budget for all staff for job related learning.

Learning and development needs may be progressed in a number of ways including seminars, conferences, training courses, coaching, shadowing, mentoring, networking, internal communications sessions, on the job training, in-house expertise, and action learning.